Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ogden Marathon May 19, 2012

2 weeks after Running River Towns marathon in Danville PA, was not enough time to heal a tired body 1st mistake!...The start of the Ogden Marathon was awesome....I had distributed all my JSM Marathon cards and was excited to run...Wearing my Hoka's was my second mistake...All the slanted roads and downhill running took 2 toenails off my right foot, and created a blood blister under my callous of my left foot...I wanted to be done at the half start line...But I needed to endure to the end!  I kept thinking of who I was running for...TEAM BOOK OF MORMON...I also thought about my Grandchildren waiting to see me at 21!  I had to be strong even though I was in pain....I had talked with my marathon maniac group before the marathon and tried to convince them to run the JSM...One woman said if you give me gold plates at the end, I'll run!  Funny!  Anyway, I promoted my run all along the course wearing my COME RUN THE JSM MARATHON shirt!  Going up 14 was sooooo hard!  If it wasn't for some chomps I found on the road, I would have died...I was so hungry.  Running through the canyon was beautiful, but I was in pain.  Hitting the Dinosaur park was awesome, especially after seeing my children and grandchildren...  I had Jayni swap out shoes with me which gave me some relief...Running past the temple always gives me extra strength... I LOVE TO SEE THE TEMPLE running the Ogden because I know I'm almost done!  After stopping several times adjusting shoes, socks, pants etc, I still had a time of 4:04...NOT BAD especially after running Danville 2 weeks prior...Heavenly Father blessed me...Christ was my yoke partner....I have sore feet, I'm tired, my right knee hurts, but I did it....If I can run a marathon, anyone can!  Ogden is a beautiful, well organized marathon, and fast.  You need to train downhill however and wear oversized shoes.

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